Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Etsy VFGteam Featured Seller

Welcome to our VFG Blog series featuring members of the VFGteam at Etsy!

You will be introduced to a different Team member in each new post. Please check out our Team Gallery page here.

Today's featured seller is Melanie and you can visit her shop StellaRoseVintage here.

1. When did you first get interested in vintage fashion & why?

As a child we always had an old pouffe in the attic that was filled with 'dressing up' clothes - fur stoles, chiffon nightgowns, gypsy skirts and power jackets - my twin sister and I never tired of diving into this treasure trove. My mother also began the collecting long before we were born! I have two identical Laura Ashley dresses suitable for a young lady that were purchased in anticipation of our arrival.

2. Do you regularly wear vintage?

Yes - I tend to mix and match vintage with modern for everyday but when I get the chance, such as singing in a concert, I will always go head to toe vintage if I can - it looks so elegant.

3. Do you have a Holy Grail?

I have a new one each year! But I am lucky enough to have found the Bill Gibb for Homes & Gardens knit set I fell in love with earlier this year.

4. If you could visit the atelier of any fashion designer (dead or alive), who would it be?

Herbert Levine - when Beth Levine was experimenting with exotic imported materials, radical designs and shocking ideas in footwear.

5. What do you see as the future of vintage?

More revival of historical style elements but using both very traditional, and very new materials.

6. What is your favorite item in your shop?

It would be these Clarks shoes for their art deco buckles and decoration.
Here are a few more items from Melanie's shop: