We are very excited to announce our own VFG bookshops, on Amazon!
They are full of recommended reading for vintage fashion education. If
you've ever thought you needed some vintage fashion books but didn't
know where to start, here is your reading list.
With our international users in mind, we've opened similar shops on both USA based amazon.com, and UK based amazon.co.uk.
We've spent time compiling an amazing book list and put them together in
one place, where they are still supplied and delivered by Amazon or
Amazon sellers. We have titles by our own VFG members, and other books
that have been recommended by our trade members and forum users. There
are some rare and unusual titles that you might not otherwise hear
about. There's even a fiction section with novels featuring vintage
fashion for your leisure reading! Special thanks are due to former VFG
member Lei (crinolinegirl) for her work in compiling the original
booklist that was a starting point for the shops' contents.
To help you browse, there are different 'shelves' such as: Victorian and Edwardian Fashion; 20th Century Fashion; Fabric and Sewing; Hats Shoes and Accessories; Jewelry; Lingerie and many more.
It's not only books - we've also included a selection of useful cleaning
products for your vintage wardrobe, and some handy things for sellers.
As well as being an educational resource, the bookshops are a VFG
fundraising initiative. The VFG is a member of the Amazon Associates
programme, and earns a small commission on all products sold, at no
extra cost to you or the authors. Funds raised are used to support the
work of the Vintage Fashion Guild, including maintaining and developing
our website and its free resources. So by shopping in our bookshops you
can support the VFG, as you develop your book collection.
Click the buttons above or the links below and have a look around the shops.
Which books do you like the look of? We'd love to hear your wishlist!
The US VFG bookshop: http://astore.amazon.com/thevinfasgui-20
The UK VFG bookshop: http://astore.amazon.co.uk/thevinfasgui-21
Why not bookmark them?
Small print legal announcement as
required by Amazon and the FTC! "The Vintage Fashion Guild is a
participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate
advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn
advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com." But we'd
already said that above, in plain English.