Saturday, July 31, 2010

July 26 Fashion Parade *Vintage with Cattitude*

July 26 Fashion Parade *Vintage with Cattitude*

This week find clothing, accessories and jewelry featuring our favorite pets: Dogs, cats, horses...maybe even a goldfish or parakeet?

Find a great vintage selection among the VFG member's offerings!

Vintage 60s Cutest Kitten Print Half Apron - Mint & Never Worn from SEWING MACHINE GIRL


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Vintage 60s Pink Poodle & Grey Kitten Black Theodor Purse from CLUB VINTAGE


Vintage 70s Seersucker Gingham Dog Cat Novelty Applique Maxi Skirt from METRO RETRO VINTAGE


You can find more fabulous vintage items from more sellers at the VINTAGE FASHION GUILD FASHION PARADE!

See more vintage clothing and accessories at the JULY 29TH *FRESH VINTAGE* EDITION